About Us

Adbhut community empowerment and welfare society was established on 23rd April 2014 in the field of education, health, food, women's empowerment and child development. Apart from this our community is fighting against malnutrition and illiteracy by providing food and education to needy people and encouraging people to donate blood and save life. We have blood volunteers all over the country.

We are benefitting thousands of people & families in different ways. The main motive of our foundation is to give a ray of hope in everyone's life. We had began our humble initiative with single handedly and now owning a team whose aim is to work for this non-profit organization.


provide social transformation through effective empowerment and productive work


Improve the living conditions of people and provide development in the sectors of social, medical & education

Our Work

We believe what we achieve


Blood donations, free medicines distribution,dialysis treatment, raising fund, providing ambulance, providing medical facilities, organ donations etc.


Proving bags & copies to school childs, paying due fees of needy, providing mentors, taking classes in basti(chaupal’s) etc.


Distribution of food in slum areas, hospitals, and also at some others places. Providing lungar sewa at regular interval

Awareness Program

Making people and society aware about various practices such as domestic violence, traffic rules etc. Sometimes we are explaining it through drama
Our Reach
Blood/Organ donation
Food Distribution
Education Help
Medical Camps
Our Events
We are organizing events time by time to honor real life heroes who save several lives by donating bloods without taking care of their time & weather. This really encourage them & others to work more towards achieving common goal.

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